bitcoin, Latest News

SolChicks Set to Launch Record-Breaking IDO on 11/26

SolChicks has developed a play-to-earn MMORPG/MOBA game on the Solana blockchain. This extraordinary project is spending the last few days before its highly anticipated IDO launch by breaking a few records. In the past week, SolChicks has achieved some remarkable things. The SolChicks game demo attracted over 50,000 players in only the first week of…

Toomey vows fix to ‘badly flawed’ cryptocurrency broker plan in infrastructure bill
bitcoin, Latest News

Toomey vows fix to ‘badly flawed’ cryptocurrency broker plan in infrastructure bill

Senator Pat Toomey, ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, says he’s prepared to fix the broad definition of a cryptocurrency broker that’s contained within the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill bogged down in Congress. The comments come as the House is pushing for an imminent vote on a $550 billion so-called “hard” infrastructure bill, which would invest in…

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